Manual Lymph Drainage was developed in Europe in the 1930's by Dr. Emil Vodder. In 1980's was brought to United States by Dr. Robber Lerner MD surgeon of NY. MLD Is a safe, effective and gentle approach to cleansing the body's tissues by mechanic stimulating the lymph vessels. The correct application of MLD has a calming effect of the nervous system reducing hypertonia of the entire body, facilitating the healing process.
MLD drains excess fluid from the tissues and removes toxins and cellular debris, helping to improve more than 60 different conditions.
Lymphedema Cranial Edema
Varicophlebitis Venous Edema/Ulcers
Arterial Disease Phantom Pain
Hematomas Dislocations
Migraine Chronic Headaches
Concussion Parkinson's Disease
Acne Disease of Digestive Track
Rheumatic Disease Fractures
Pre- post Op:
Cosmetic Surgery Scars/Keloid Orthopedic Surgery